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Genealogy & Document Research

Learn how to achieve the recognition of Italian and Portuguese citizenships by searching for documents.

How the search for documents for Portuguese Citizenship works

What we offer:
We offer pre-research and research investigative services on birth/baptism, marriage and death certificates (and birth registry number) of portuguese citizens.

In the process of Attribution of Nationality, the birth certificate of the portuguese national is essential. Therefore, it is necessary to locate and demand it from the institution where it is kept.

Births after 1920:
When the birth certificate dates after 1920, the research is done only in civil institutions. Because it is a recent document, it’s frequently located as long as the basic necessary information is given (name, name of the parents, date of birth, place of birth – “freguesia”).

Births prior to 1920:
Because they are century-old documents, it will be more difficult to track them down, especially in cases in which the client does not have the basic information necessary to conduct the research.

Most of the birth certificates and birth registry numbers prior to 1920 can be found in the regional archives.

To research the birth certificate, it is necessary to analyze the parochial records, for example. Since what was inscribed in the books was the baptism, we must be aware of the inexactitude of the birth dates. That forces us to search for the certificate not only on the ancestor’s official birth year book, but also on the year before and three years later, due to the fact that the baptism usually didn’t take place in the same year as the birth.

Another frequent obstacle is the lack of information from the client on their ancestor. Not only on the birth date, but also on the place of birth.

With such a scenario, we propose a double investigation: first a pre-research and then an archive research.

The pre-research has to do with the gathering of information on the portuguese ancestor to try and narrow the universe of books and records to analyze in the Archive Research phase.

The Archive Research is a slow and costly process. The more accurate information we have on the place and date of birth of the portuguese ancestor, the fewer the records to be analyzed — a yearbook per “freguesia”.

We must warn that there are no guarantees that the document will be found:
We are dealing with hundred-year-old books, that many times aren’t readable or have been destroyed by time or natural causes;
The civil record books are of hard access, being, many times, limited to the employees of the Archives, which means we depend on them to know if the portuguese ancestor was born and/or married at that “freguesia” or “Conselho”;
Many of the baptism records are identified only by the first name of the baby and the full or partial name of the parents. That’s why knowing the name of the ancestor’s parents is essential.
In some cases, when arriving in Brazil, the portuguese ancestor changed his or her name (it was allowed as a way of protection against discrimination), and the family does not know the original name registered in the birth records.

How the search for documents for the Italian Citizenship works

We offer italian certificates research services to initiate the process of obtaining the italian citizenship through the information given by the client.

What documents are you searching for?
Birth or baptism certificate
Marriage certificate
Birth or baptism certificate and marriage certificate

The service we offer is divided into two steps:
search for the record (from the book);
search for the certificate;

In case you don’t know the exact place of birth/baptism and marriage, a research of the record will be necessary. That is, we will have to find the book where the birth/baptism and marriage were registered.

In case you already know the exact place, we will only have to find the certificate.

The fee charged will depend on the record and certificate research difficulty.

Obtaining your italian ancestor’s certificate is the result of our research services.

Just so you can understand the difficulty of finding a register and obtaining a XIX century (1.800 to 1.899) certificate, let us explain how Italy is divided geographically.

Italy is divided in 20 regions. Each region has its Provinces, which total 108 throughout all the country. Each Province has its Comuni. There are 8.101 Comuni in Italy, which means that if a client does not know the region or Province their ancestors are from, we would have to search all the 8.101 Comuni. In such cases, it is practically impossible to track down the record.

We research the italian ancestor’s record during 90 days and the result of that research can be positive or negative. There are no guarantees that the civil or parochial records of over 100 years ago are still in reading shape, or haven’t suffered any damage due to wars, natural causes and the very passing of time.

That is precisely why we need to conduct previous research, to verify the possibility of finding, or not, the document.

Besides that, we prove that the record research of your italian ancestor was made through the negative answers obtained at the searched places.

Family Tree

A family tree is a kind of history containing every part of the ancestors of an individual or family. It is nothing more than a genealogical representation that shows the parental connections between people of the same family. It’s called a family “tree” due to its resemblance to branches.

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